ARTEXPO NEW YORK 2017 April 18 2017
LOCATION: Pier 94 - 711 12th Ave, New York, NY 10019, (P) 800-677-6278
OPENING NIGHT PARTY: Friday, April 21st 2017, 5PM - 8PM
SHOW HOURS - PUBLIC DAYS: Saturday, April 22nd 2017, 11AM - 7PM
Sunday, April 23rd 2017 11AM - 7 PM
Monday, April 24th 2017, 10AM - 3PM.
DORIS GENEST will be located in BOOTH # S108. She invites you to come by her booth and to enjoy viewing her collection with a special stereoscopic glasses.
You can see her collection if you click on her website in the featured section "ARTEXPO NEW YORK 2017".
For more informations about the show, you can click on the official website of the show